How To Pick The Best Maid of Honor

Choosing your Maid of Honor can be equally exciting and scary. It’s exciting because you’re planning such a monumental event and you want someone by your side who knows how to cheer you on and make you feel better when the wedding planning stress is taking over. However, it can be a scary process because you don’t want anyone’s feelings to get hurt if you didn’t choose them. If you’ve known forever who you want as your Maid of Honor, then you don’t have to read this, but if you’re like most brides who have no idea how or who to choose, then our advice will definitely benefit you!

Before we get started, let’s establish what your Maid of Honor’s responsibilites will be. Your Maid of Honor is in charge of planning your bridal shower and bachelorette party. They’ll also get the rest of the bridesmaids situated with their dresses and accessories, and make sure everyone is getting along. Of course, if your Maid of Honor is willing and you need more help, they can always join in on anything else!

Now that we’ve established your Maid of Honor’s duties, you have to make sure they have the time to plan two big events. Besides time, they also need to be financially well to pay for such events. If you have a Maid of Honor in mind, but know they don’t have the time or financial resources, perhaps sit them down and explain your thoughts. This way they can understand your thought process and won’t be hurt if you choose someone else. Or perhaps you can choose two Maid of Honors and they can split the time and money it takes to plan your bridal shower and bachelorette party. Take a look at some potential candidates we’ve listed to help you choose the best Maid of Honor.


1. SisterS

Choosing a sister as your Maid of Honor is always a great choice. It’s not only someone who’s grown up with you your entire life and knows you extremely well, but your girlfriends can’t get mad since it’s family. If you have more than one sister, it gets a bit trickier, but there are ways to get around the awkward situation of choosing. For example, if one of your sisters is married you can make her your Matron of Honor and your unwed sister can be your Maid of Honor. If you have multiple sister’s and none of them are married, then choose the sister who’s style matches yours the most. This way they can plan events that are totally your style! Make sure to sit all your sisters down so you can discuss your decision so no gets hurt. If you don’t get along with your sisters or don’t have any, no biggie, we have a few more candidates!


2. Your Best Friend Forever

Now, your best friend forever is someone who’s known you your entire life and has been there with you through all the up’s and down’s of life. This person is someone who you consider more of a sister than a best friend. They know you so well so they can accurately plan and decorate just the way you’d like! Not only are they your confidant, but they are super supportive and comforting. Trust us, you’ll need all the support and positive energies you can get as the planning process can get stressful. Most of us don’t have childhood best friends like this, but if you do, you’re very blessed!

3. friends

If you don’t have a sister, get along with your sister/s, or have a best friend forever, then choose a close friend! Look at your friend group and pick the one you’re most closes to. The one who you share secrets with, your go-to adventure buddy, and who embodies what a supportive friend should be like. Even if you haven’t known them a long time, but you know they always manage to brighten up your day whenever you guys hang out, then choose that person.!


Ultimate advice

As we said before, we know choosing a Maid of Honor can be scary because you’re afraid of hurting feelings. However, remember this is YOUR special day! Choose someone who you know will make the entire wedding experience an exciting, adventurous, and epic time! Someone who can plan a great party and is an awesome host! Lastly, choose someone who knows your style and vision well, so that they can perfectly bring it to life!

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Source: Our Advice On Choosing The Best Maid of ...